Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The inside of an ICE train in London - a stronger European network is growing

This is a neat BBC video of a look inside a German-made ICE train that will start running direct to London. Rail networks grow stronger in Europe! And that means with every trip their economy grows stronger as they use less foreign oil and more homegrown electricity. Their economy also grows stronger because their people remain productive on the train, instead of in a car when the time is largely wasted while driving. Anyway, check out the inside of this train.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Great high speed rail Wisconsin video on the Madison-Milwaukee expansion

A fantastic video on Wisconsin's high speed rail project (put together by One Wisconsin).

Check this out and spread the word!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Obama calls for high speed rail as part of $50 billion infrastructure program

Today President Barack Obama pushed for a $50 billion infrastructure program, paid for primarily by lessening the subsidies for oil and gas development, to strengthen our country's economy. The program includes a major rail component, including rebuilding 4000 miles of rail track.

He specifically calls for high speed rail in his speech.

In his remarks, he notes that as a percentage of GDP, we spend less than Russia, China or Western Europe. We spend 2 percent, Europe spends 5 percent and China spends 9 percent.

In other words, to build the foundation of our economy, we need significantly more government spending on our transportation infrastructure -- or we will continue to pay through wasted time and fuel in inefficient, clogged highways and airports.